Books by Dave Whitaker

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Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Workshop: Climate Control

Check out the workshops tab for a full list of titles as well as prices and other information. All Toolbox Training workshops are also available as do-it-yourself training packages. Click that tab for more details.

What you’ll get from this workshop or training package:

  • Distinguish the difference between climate control and discipline
  • Identify the 4 “movie genres” to watch in program environments
  • Operate the climate control remote control on “A.V.C.R.” (Ample, Variety, Choice, Routine) to watch the 4 movie genres
  • Put together a “viewing schedule” for observing and improving program environments

To have this delivered as an on-site workshop contact Toolbox Training.

To order as a do-it-yourself training package (catalog # CCTP0902):

You can also download an order form here.

Training packages come with workbooks, certificates, and evaluations for 10 participants, but you can also order additional workbooks, etc. (catalog # CCTP0902) if necessary:

For more Toolbox Training workshops and training packages, check here.