Books by Dave Whitaker

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Are you looking for tips and suggestions for improving your program? Toolbox Training is committed to helping you establish a professional development plan that will put into motion your goals and steps toward reaching them. Toolbox Training founder Dave Whitaker has offered consulting to afterschool and early childhood programs around the following systems:

Program Quality Assessment (PQA) tool from the David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality
As part of the Quality Matters initiative sponsored by the United Way of Greater Kansas City, Dave coached programs in using the PQA tool developed by the Weikart Center. Dave is also certified by the Weikart Center as an External Assessor.

National AfterSchool Association (NAA) Accreditation
As a trained ASQ (Assessing School-Age Quality) Advisor developed by the National Institute of Out-of-School Time (NIOST), Dave helped sites pursue and achieve NAA accreditation, including 7 of the first 9 programs in the state of Missouri to achieve national accreditation. Dave also wrote a step-by-step guide for programs pursuing NAA accreditation.

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is a national accreditation system for birth through age 8.

Missouri Accreditation (MoA) is a state accreditation system for 6 weeks old through school-age. In addition to consulting with programs around MoA, Dave wrote a step-by-step guide for programs on how to pursue MoA.

Here’s just some of what Toolbox Training can do for you:
  • identify the value and purpose of accreditation
  • decide which system is best for you
  • assist you in ordering the right materials
  • understand the accreditation materials
  • know how accreditation systems work
  • determine where to start
  • recognize your program’s strengths
  • establish a game plan for program improvements
  • organize your files for accreditation
  • prepare accreditation paperwork
  • coach your team to be more comfortable on the day of the accreditation visit

An initial phone conversation with David Whitaker at 913-789-9733 to discuss your needs is absolutely free with no obligations! Subsequent consulting fees are $25.00 an hour.

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