On Saturday, I conducted a workshop designed to provide families with ideas for simple activities to do at home. Thanks to the 40+ adults and kids who participated and thanks to Blue Valley Library for hosting the event.
Playing off Toolbox Training's series of 100 Activities for Kids books, the room was set up in six areas, each with various activities which could be done cheaply at home. Participants could engage in the activities and write down additional ideas. Here's the ideas which were written down:
- Keep a tub of basic supplies on hand
- Keep a tub of recyclable materials
- Provide a variety of kinds of paper
- Create and have fun!
Check out Toolbox Training's book 100 Art Activities for Kids for more ideas:
- Texture tub
- Let kids use real dishes instead of play dishes
- Include empty food containers with kids' dishes
- Kids can serve adults and tell what foods they are serving
- Kids can help measure ingredients in recipes
Check out Toolbox Training's book 100 Cooking Activities for Kids for more ideas:
- Create themed prop boxes
- Keep a tub of dress-up clothes
- Keep old Halloween costumes
Check out Toolbox Training's book 100 Drama Activities for Kids for more ideas:
- Keep leftover game pieces to make new games
- Keep a tub of travel-size games
- Encourage kids to make up their own games
- Let kids make up their own rules for familiar board games
Check out Toolbox Training's book 100 Games Activities for Kids for more ideas:
- Have kids illustrate lyrics to songs
- Keep a crate of instruments on hand
- Make instruments
Check out Toolbox Training's book 100 Music Activities for Kids for more ideas:
- Find books with animals' lengths and weights and then use yardsticks and scales to measure them
- Play a game of trying to identify leaves and rocks
- Put together a kit of basic science experiment tools (magnifying glass, ruler, string, graph paper, etc.)
- Put bugs, dirt, and grass in a jar to observe
- Gather unusual objects and let kids guess their purpose
Check out Toolbox Training's book 100 Science Activities for Kids for more ideas: