Books by Dave Whitaker

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

100 Construction Activities for Kids

These 100 activities are built around, well, building three-dimensional structures (for 2-D, see the art activity cards). The projects are generally open-ended, meaning that a general theme may be suggested for the activity, but that children can use materials as they wish to create their projects. These cards are divided into the following categories: paper, newspaper, cardboard, boxes & blocks, large box construction, wood, plastic, glass, metal, string/material, nature-based, grocery store materials, dough/clay/plaster, and toys & games. 136 pages. Catalog number: CNBK0913; Price: $9.95

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Friday, May 3, 2013

Special Offer on 3 Toolbox Training books

Take special note of these three books:

These titles were formerly published through School-Age Notes. With the rights now back in the hands of TOOLBOX TRAINING, these books are being discounted by more than 50% to unload a surplus. Each title is now available for $9.95 (previously priced as high as $20.00). If you buy multiple copies, you can get an even greater discount. Contact Toolbox Training for details.

After-School Transition Activities: The Ready, Set, Go! Guide to Strategies That Work

Decide if your schedule’s transitions need to be energized (PUMPED), combined with another activity (LUMP), or scrapped altogether (DUMPED). Fill time where kids are waiting (READY), sitting for awhile (SET), or on the move (GO) by choosing from over 100 activities in categories like drama, language, games, or music and movement. 76 pages. Catalog number: TRBK0503; Price: $9.95

Multiple Intelligences & After-School Environments: Keeping All Children in Mind

This is a guide for developing environments in schools and child care settings that satisfy the multiple intelligences of every child. Learn what the multiple intelligences are, how to identify those needs in all children, and how to offer areas and materials to meet the needs of all children. 72 pages. Catalog number: MIBK0802; Price: $9.95

Games, Games, Games: Creating Hundreds of Group Games and Sports

This book is the basis of the Make Every Game a Success and Create Your Own Games workshops. 45 games are divided into familiar games, sports, made-up games, and quiet/circle games. Instructions include recommended number of children, materials, directions, tips for play leaders, and variations that allow for hundreds of new twists. 111 pages. Catalog number: GMBK0496; Price: $9.95