Listed below are interesting holidays, celebrations, important dates, and events for March. Icons indicate an activity from one of Toolbox Training’s 100 Activities series of books. Hover over the icon for specific references to exact activities. You can also click on links for additional information on dates. Many of these connect directly to activities on the Toolbox Training blog, but some are off-site links. |
1 |
Share a Smile Day Pig Day Elves’ Day Day of the Seal (International) Yellowstone National Park Anniversary | |
2 | Children’s author Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss)'s Birthday (1904) Read Across America Day Sales Person day Banana Cream Pie Day Old Stuff Day Pyramid Day Babysitter Safety Day
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3 |
Inventor Alexander Graham Bell's Birthday (1847)
National Anthem Day (Star Spangled Banner adopted by Congress as the national anthem in 1931) Hinamatsuri (Japanese Doll Festival)
If Pets Had Thumbs Day Peach Blossom Day | |
4 | First Meeting of Congress NYC (1789) Pound Cake Day
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5 | Say Hi To Mom Day Mother-in -Law Day Cheese Doodle Day
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6 |
Artist Michelangelo’s Birthday (1475)
Alamo Day (1836; end of the Battle of the Alamo) Oreo Cookies Day first sold (1912)
Poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Birthday (1806) | |
7 | Peace Corps Day | |
8 | Working Women’s Day (International) Be Nasty Day Aunt's Day
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9 |
Debut of Barbie doll (1959) at New York International American Toy Fair
Genealogy Day Employee Appreciation Day Panic Day | |
10 | Activist Harriet Tubman's Death (1913; birthdate unknown) Salvation Army founded (1880) Paper Money Day (first paper money issued in US in 1862)
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11 | Anti-Drugs Day Arts Advocacy Day
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12 |
Department Store Day | |
13 | Good Samaritan Involvement Day
Planet Uranus discovered (1781)
Ear Muff Day Jewel Day Open an Umbrella Indoors Day
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14 | Preschoolers Day Genius Day/Albert Einstein's Birthday (1879) Potato Chip Day Baseball cap invented (1860) Learn about Butterflies Day Cotton gin patented (1794)
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15 |
Ides of March President Andrew Jackson’s Birthday (1767) Everything You Think is Wrong Day Absolutely Incredible Kid Day Dumbstruck Day | |
16 | Everything You Do Is Right Day Freedom of Information Day | |
17 | Saint Patrick's Day
Camp Fire Boys And Girls Founder's Day
Submarine Day Rubber Band Invented (1845)
| |
18 | Forgive Mom and Dad Day Grandparents and Grandchildren Day Supreme Sacrifice Day | |
19 | Chocolate Caramel Day Poultry Day
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20 |
First Day of Spring (Vernal equinox)
Children's Day Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood children’s TV icon Fred Rogers’ Birthday (1928) Sesame Street's Big Bird’s Birthday Smile Rejuvenation Day Extraterrestrial Abductions Day Proposal Day | |
21 |
Preschool Teachers Appreciation Day Single Parent's Day Teenagers Day Children's Poetry Day Agriculture Day Astrology Day (International) | |
22 |
Goof Off Day Star Trek TV character James T. Kirk's Birthday (2233) As Young As You Feel Day | |
23 |
Liberty Day Cuddly Kitten Day Elevator Day | |
24 |
Family Day Magician Harry Houdini's Birthday (1874)
Chocolate Covered Raisin Day | |
25 | First Pancakes made in New York City (1882) Pecan Day Waffle Day
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26 | Make Up Your Own Holiday Day Spinach Festival Motion picture machine patented (1895) | |
27 |
"Joe" Day (everyone who dislikes their names can be called Joe on this day)
Education and Sharing Day | |
28 |
Eiffel Tower Anniversary (inaugurated in 1889) | |
29 | Love Your Children Day Pitchers Day
| |
30 |
Artist Vincent van Gogh’s Birthday (1853)
Hot Dog Day Take a Walk in the Park Day Pencil with eraser patented (1858) Alaska purchased from Russia for 7.2 million (1867)
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31 | Tater Day
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