image from jewellerykorner.blogspot.com
The Toolbox Training book 100 Art Activities for Kids has an entire section on jewelry, including yarn bracelets, paper clip jewelry, macaroni jewelry, lima bean jewelry, key chain, clay beads, and edible necklace. Consider setting up various jewelry-making stations for the kids. Here’s the instructions for one of the activities:
- lima beans in pods
- large darning needle
- heavy thread
- Consider soaking beans in water and food coloring to create different colors.
- Thread the needle to desired length.
- Tie a knot in one end.
- Push the lima beans onto the thread one at a time.
- Add a pod to the thread every now and then.
- Tie the ends of the thread together to finish the necklace.
Source(s): 100 Drama Activities for Kids (activity J4)
Check out the full February calendar. It includes floating holidays, specialty weeks, and specialty months.
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